Monday, December 06, 2010

Pick someone your own size....

Reading Ethical Vegetarianism...I have had multiple arguments about vegetarianism with many of my friends at various instances in life. Being a vegetarian not just by caste, but more importantly by choice, I have passed around many arguments and am always eager to know what more different ways of defending this noble way of dining are out there.

I am paraphrasing a very interesting point made by a great Greek philosopher....'Men are not naturally meant to be carnivorous. Many tell me they are, but I just tell them this. Try facing a wild animal without any weapons. fight it. Tear it apart with the nails of your hands and feet. Bite and eat it while it is barely but still alive. Know why? Because thats what carnivorous species are supposed to do. Does the lion use a bow to kill a human? Does a lion roast deer, add spices and condiments to mask the natural taste of the flesh and eat it?'

Might sound amusing at first, but think about it. It is very true. A sad justification indeed for those non-vegetarians out there.

Why I am writing this at 12:07 AM? This article triggered me to.

Good night and veggie dreams!

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