Hail the NSG commandos and the various police officers and armed forces personnel who had given their lives for the cause of the people. Let us also not forget the guards that did make it through the operation and flushed out the terrorists succesfully. If there ever were a group of people that deserved a high pay - on the lines of what software engineers and MBA graduates get in today's world - it is the armed forces and the various security forces like the police that deserve it.
The reasons are few (in fact just two) and simple:
- They are ready to die for the cause of the nation and its public and don't even think twice before putting their lives in jeapordy
- It will keep them honest as they do not have to fear for the financial security of their family. Considering that they don't get many chances of having alternate sources of income like normal citizens do, like going abroad or investing in the stock market (I can hear some voices here saying that the armed forces do invest in the stock market, but tell me how much time do they get to follow up on these investments?), their only source of income is what they get from their salaries and perks, which are not very high as of now. So a pay packet commensurate with the risks that they take and the rigor in which their daily lives are spent in, is totally called for.
There might of course be a few rotten apples in the system, but by and large, if there is some group that we can trust to save us from anti national, terrorist elements, it is the security personnel guarding our nation. The very fact that ATS Chief Hemant Karkare's wife turned down the one crore that the Gujarat government offered for the ATS Chief's unfortunate death, proves that these people and their families are beyond living their lives for money.
Let us all NEVER EVER let the memories of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, NSG Hawaldar Gajendra Singh, ATS Chief Hemant Karkare, Additional Police Commissioner Ashok Kamte, Encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar, and the other unnamed constables who laid their lives for us all, escape us. It is usual for these names to slip out of our tongues and eventually our minds, in some days' time, but let us strive to break this habit. That will be the least we can give back to these true sons of our Indian soil!
Jai Bharat!
1 comment:
Salute to the Mumbai Heros who flushed out the militants.without them our nation's face would have been in shame by failing to gun down these spineless cowards.
One more painful truth that evolved from the attacks is the lack of latest equipments for our security forces. Our brave soldiers fought against these heavily armed cowards with outdated guns, heavy worn out bullet proof jackest that is of no use, no night vision googles , no electronic maps etc..This prolonged the time taken and took lives of many officers. Although all international media praised the valour of our boys ,they ridiculed the poor gadjets that our security forces have.Imagine the militants euipped with AK-56 assault guns,grenades, satellite phones, latest maps etc and our officers/commandoes fighting against them with revolvers,world warI time rifles and old heavy machine guns.Its time to revamp the infrastructure of our police and commando forces. Equip them with latest guns and electronics like Thermal sensors , Night vison googles, all terrain Surveillance Robos, light weight jackets etc.. I bet they will be the best commando force in the world who can thwart any attacks in minutes.
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